Sample Letter of Cancellation of Lease Contract

Writing a cancellation letter for a lease contract is a process that requires attention to detail and clarity. These letters need to include specific information about the lease agreement, such as the dates of the lease, the location of the property, and the reasons for the cancellation. In this article, we’ll provide a sample letter of cancellation of lease contract, and discuss key elements that should be included in the letter.

Sample Letter of Cancellation of Lease Contract

[Your Address]

[City, State ZIP Code]


[Landlord’s Address]

[City, State ZIP Code]

Dear [Landlord’s Name],

I am writing to inform you that I wish to cancel the lease contract for the property located at [Property Address]. The lease agreement began on [Lease Start Date] and was set to end on [Lease End Date].

The reason for this cancellation is [Explain the reason for cancellation]. I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and I hope that this can be resolved in a prompt and professional manner.

Please contact me at your earliest convenience to discuss the terms of my lease cancellation, as well as any required final payments or procedures for returning keys and vacating the property. I am available to discuss the cancellation further via phone or email, and I would appreciate a response within 5 business days.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.


[Your Name]

Key Elements to Include in the Cancellation Letter

1. Identifying Information

The cancellation letter should include identifying information about the property, the landlord, and the tenant. This includes the address of the property, the name of the landlord, and the name of the tenant.

2. Reason for Cancellation

The letter should clearly state the reason for the cancellation of the lease agreement. This can include personal reasons, job relocation, financial hardship, or any other valid reason.

3. Dates of the Lease Agreement

Be sure to include the start and end dates of the lease agreement, as well as the date that the cancellation letter is being sent.

4. Contact Information

Provide your contact information, including phone number and email address, so that the landlord can reach you to discuss the cancellation further.

5. Professional Tone

It`s important to use a professional tone in the letter, and to avoid using emotional language or making accusations. The goal is to communicate the cancellation in a clear and respectful manner, and to maintain a positive relationship with the landlord if possible.


When writing a cancellation letter for a lease contract, it`s important to include specific information about the property, the landlord, and the tenant, as well as the reason for the cancellation. Use a professional tone in the letter, and provide your contact information so that the landlord can reach you to discuss the cancellation further. By following these guidelines, you can ensure that your cancellation letter is clear, detailed, and effective.